Friday, September 12, 2008



First – TO PROVIDE AND DEFEND REASONS -Yes, during debates we Do provide and defend reasons BUT are these reasons that we provide always significant? Sometimes, reasons that we provide are NONSENSE and unnecessary. Most reasons are even considered as a waste of time because we do not need to hear about them and when they ARE necessary reasons, most of them are ones that we already know which means that providing and defending reasons are basically USELESS.

To get information? Ok, yes, we DO get information but some of the information provided is not even factual and some of the information that we provide are not even vital or needed. If we want information then why don't we RESEARCH?? or base things on EXPERIENCE? why do we have to listen to a debate just to get information? It's a waste of time.

THIRD – TO EXAMINE AN ISSUE -With in the limited time given to each side in a debate, you cannot examine an issue thoroughly. A debate does not give clarification to misconceptions about the rightness or wrongness of the issue because most of the arguments are based on their own opinion, they are not always facts that we can depend on. You would not be able to distinguish whether the argument is a fact or just an opinion.

FOURTH – TO DEVELOP AWARENESS. -What is the use of media? The televisions, internet, radio which will surely help us to be aware of the things going around our world. Why do we need to debate and listen to debates and confuse ourselves on what side we should believe in, when we can readily access current events and information through the help of media.We do not develop awareness in debate because we can not debate or supply arguments if we are not aware of the issue that is being presented which leads to the point that, we already KNOW the issue even before the debate so what's the use?

FIFTH – TO EXPRESS CONCERNS AND OPINIONS -Why do need to debate when all we want is to express one's concern and opinions? Then why don't we just talk? There are many ways on which you can express your concerns and opinions which do not involve arguing. One example is writing an article in a school news paper. There are many means to broaden our minds and help us judge a situation by researching and by the help of the media. They can reason out based on facts rather than basing our decisions merely on individual opinions.

SIXTH - TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION ABILITIES -We do not need to debate to improve our communication abilities. During a debate, the person is anxious and pressured which would hinder him/her to communicate well to his/her opponent and to the audience. Each side is actively opposing one another which is a sign that there is no real and genuine communication going on. If we want to inprove our communication skills then why don't we just take an english class?

SEVENTH - TO INCREASE SELF-CONFIDENCE -How can a debate increase self-confidence? By embarrassing oneself in front of so many people? Or by being tongue tied and not being able to provide a rebuttal for your opponent? It does not build self-confidence at all because you listen to your opponent's ideas which makes you stop and think and which develops doubts on your own arguments. When you loose in a particular debate, would you build up self confidence? When you weren't able to defend your arguments that will surely decrease your self confidence.If you wanna increase confidence, do not debate.Join a beauty contest instead.

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